A snowball's chance in this economy: How one bad economic decision can lead...
These days it seems that economists are the go-to people to explain many of the world’s ills, from sub-prime lending to credit default swaps to Ponzi schemes to the bad, emotionally charged decisions...
View ArticleSmall change can mean big change in the right hands
President Obama’s $825 billion stimulus package includes $300 billion in tax cuts, which would come to the American spending public in the form of rebates. But history proves that refunds, whether...
View ArticleSuper Bowl ads: A post-game analysis
When it comes to Super Bowl Sunday, who turned out the best commercial is almost as newsworthy as who won the game. This year companies forked out a record $200 million for a slice of the Super Bowl...
View ArticleThe Love of Labor (and Ikea)
Today nearly 14 percent of Americans are underemployed. This is proving to be a challenge for beleaguered bosses and disgruntled employees struggling to keep morale up in the workplace. For those who...
View ArticleThe anatomy of cheating
In the last few weeks we’ve witnessed some high-profile duplicity: From Bernie Madoff’s masterminding of a $65 billion swindle or the tax lapses of the Obama cabinet nominees (Daschle, we're looking at...
View ArticleAIG bonuses and the rule of law
AIG's bonus payments of $165 million to executives made no one happy. Well, the executives probably didn't mind them. From Ben Bernanke to Lawrence Summers, we're all mad at these guys. But what do we...
View ArticleLessons of self-control via Warren Buffett's weight-loss plan
Investor Warren Buffett’s financial wizardry is a mix of shrewd analysis and a steely self-control, which keeps his instincts in check when panic claims Wall Street. But when the numbers indicate an...
View ArticleDan Ariely on why we pay taxes (and why we sometimes don't)
It's Tax Day! In these challenging economic times, and in the wake of massive bank bailouts and several of Obama's cabinet nominees who took tax missteps, people may be fishing for an excuse not to pay...
View ArticleVoters assess President Obama's first 100 days
To assess President Obama’s first 100 days, we’re going to the experts—the men and women who thought long and hard about his qualifications: the voters. We’re checking back in with the folks who joined...
View ArticleWhat Your Credit Card Company Can Do to You
The Senate voted 90 to 5 in favor of putting new restrictions on the credit card industry. In an effort to protect consumers’ rights, the legislation would put an end to some of the practices that have...
View ArticleGrading the Teacher's Teachers
Poor study habits, too much TV or goofing off are usually cited as reasons students get bad grades. But the state of Texas has a different idea for why some students are underperforming – poor teaching...
View ArticleBank Bonus Week Begins
Main Street may be fed up with Wall Street's apparent gluttony, but banks are once again awarding huge bonuses. The nation's biggest banks, including Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, are expected to pay...
View ArticleA Rational Argument for Financial Oversight
President Obama was on Wall Street yesterday pushing for stronger oversight of the financial industry, which he set forth as the best way to prevent another massive financial collapse."The only people...
View ArticleMethod Behind Market Madness
The markets continued their volatile ways yesterday with stocks taking a major nose-dive. Investors went into panic-mode trying to find anything safe to put their money into. Most put their money into...
View ArticleA Sign of the Times: Underearners Anonymous
You’ve probably heard of Alcoholics Anonymous. Maybe you’ve heard of Narcotics Anonymous, or Gamblers Anonymous. But have you ever heard about Clutterers Anonymous? Or Online Gamers Anonymous? Probably...
View ArticleAre We All Liars and Cheaters?
When we think about who liars and cheaters are in our society, we might think of politicians, bankers or lawyers. But if you really look at your own behavior, you are probably not too far behind. Sure,...
View ArticleAre Holiday Bonuses a Good Investment for Companies?
When Markus Dohle, the chief executive of Random House, announced at the company holiday party that each and every employee who had been with the company for a year — from top executives to their...
View ArticleYou Don't Have Ebola. You're Not Going to Get It.
Worries about Ebola may be contributing to the sliding stock market. But despite all of the fear and the media coverage, it is still highly unlikely that anyone in the U.S. will be infected with...
View ArticleThe Truth About Lies
Lying: It's something we all do, but how often, and why? Are certain kinds of lies for the public good, or do all lies contribute to a less honest culture, and more horrible breaches of trust?These and...
View ArticleSticking to New Year's Resolutions
A New Year, and a new round of resolutions!Joining a gym? You're not alone. A 2015 Nielsen survey found that almost 70 percent of those surveyed said fitness and healthy living was their top...
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